You can stop, avoid or get out of foreclosure and stay in your home.
Your house is one of your most valuable assets and you have probably
already spent a lot of money paying for it.
Some people say that if you are still paying a mortgage, your home shouldn’t be your biggest asset. The remaining
debt puts you into a position that is unstable, as many people find out after missing a few mortgage payments.
Lower the Chances of Foreclosure By Getting a Cheaper Home from the Beginning
If you have not yet bought a house, make sure that when you do, you try
to shop for a mortgage that is 20% less than what you can afford. Look
your budget and decide. This is because mortgage companies have the tendency to raise rates and when they do, that raises your monthly payment.
If you were already
to make the previous payment, it’s going to be hard to make an
increased payment. Houses are very expensive, so it’s not always
possible to do this but if you have a choice, spend below what you can
What to Do if Your Mortgage Company is Applying Pressure
Many mortgage companies are quick to foreclose on accounts that are
even a month behind. If you already have a home and cannot afford the
mortgage payments for a period but you don’t want to lose your home,
what can you do?
Get a Short Term Loan to Cover the Outstanding Mortgage
If your credit is good otherwise, you may consider getting a short term
loan from a financial institution to cover the outstanding balance.
You can get these from:
- A reputable bank
- A peer-to-peer lending service
- If you are a member of a credit union, this may be the best place for you to get a loan.
- Some companies also offer their employees loans at reasonable interest rates.
Talk to Your Mortgage Officer and Work out New Terms
These are only short term solutions though and if you notice that your
situation is spiraling out of hand, you may need to talk to your bank
about loan modification, or seek advice from a non-profit debt
counseling agency or another person who will offer genuine advice and
not just take your money.
The faster you do this, the better. Time
is not on your side when it comes to situations like this but a
decision made too hastily won’t profit you either.